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We are fortunate to have a school population with a variety of 

backgrounds, skills, talents, and personalities.


If you would like to donate your time or have an idea that could benefit the school/programs, please let us know or find a committee to join!


Volunteer opportunities can be ongoing, monthly, or even just one-time. 


"Volunteers are not paid ... not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."

Get Involved

Here are some ways to learn about volunteer
opportunities with the Capri Elementary PTA

Check out the program descriptions below

Contact your child's classroom parent(s)

PTA Programs

PTA Progras

Before volunteering on campus:


General Questions?



Antes de ser voluntario en el campus:


¿Preguntas generales? Envíe un correo electrónico a

Art Chair & Art Show

Chair: Brittinny Longo & Christa Borden

Art: Volunteers work with PTA Art Chair handling the following for the class:
+ organize Classroom Art for the Spring Auction
+ work with classroom teachers to setup clay/cartooning project if desired
+ partner with teacher to bring additional art to the class
+ assist Wheel Art Teacher, with prep of class art for Spring Art Fair

Book Exchange Program Books Icon Capri  PTA Programs

Book Exchange

Chair: Jessica Petree

Book Exchange Program: The Book Exchange is a wonderful opportunity for students to bring in books that they have already read and exchange them for books that other students have brought in. Every Capri student will leave with at least one book. Chairperson will direct planning and organization of event with the help from volunteers to sort books by reading level and genre.

Book Fair Books and Apple Icon Capri PTA Programs

Book Fair: This bi-annual event that brings the joy and excitement of reading to our students. The Capri library transforms into the look and feel of a bustling bookstore. The Chairs coordinate with Literati and Scholastic book companies to run and market book fairs. Chairs organize classroom visits and volunteers throughout the week. Chairs will host a Teacher Welcome event and coordinate the distribution of wishlist and reward books.

CAPRI de Mayo

Chairs: Denise Preston

Capri de Mayo: Capri’s own Spring Fiesta is a celebration of our multicultural community. There's plenty of food, music, and fun activities. Everyone including friends and extended family is invited! Chairperson organizes event with volunteers assisting to run booths, supervise the attractions, work cash registers, set up activities, and tear down the show.

Capri Reads Open Book Icon Capri PTA Programs

Capri Reads

Chair: Cathy Howard

Capri Reads: Capri’s annual reading program designed to promote reading in a fun and motivating atmosphere. Chair person will be responsible for organizing the program and hosting the Medal Ceremony with the help of volunteers.

Capri Spirit Squad

Chairs: Rose Weinstein & Amanda Wells

Capri Spirit Squad: A Capri organization unleashing school spirit. This vibrant and energetic squad promotes unity, talents, and enhances coordination, teamwork, and self-confidence. Through lively performances, the Spirit Squad uplifts the school community, inspires students, and relates a positive atmosphere. As a member of the Spirit Squad, students have the opportunity to develop skills, build friendships, and embody the spirit of Capri.


Chair: Erin Aust

Capri Strides: Come and join the fun before school, where children are invited to run/walk on the track at 7:30am.  Students are responsible for goal setting and keeping track of their laps. Volunteers are needed for supervision.  Chairperson will organize morning, work with lap tracker software, and present children with charms for miles they run or walk. Chair may also be asked to assist with the school Jog-a-thon.

Capri Wear Tee Shirt Icon Capri PTA Programs

Capri Wear

Chair: Caitlin Savage

Capriwear: Help make Capri pride soar. Assist in creating, producing and selling items for Capri Spirit Days or just to wear around town. Items include apparel, water bottles, stickers, hats and much more.


Capri Wear is now available for purchase in our Online Shop (for pickup in person).

Community Serve Day

Chairs: Erica Kan & Rebecca Macdonald

Community Serve Day: Capri Community Serve Day is a fun way to get our Capri Families together to enhance and beautify our campus. It occurs once a semester on a weekend morning, with the focus of improving our outdoor space. Projects are selected and prioritized, from a wide range of tasks including gardening, refreshing planters, general campus clean up and improving outdoor spaces for our students to enjoy. 

Community Outreach

Chair: OPEN

Help make an impact on our community and teach our kids the importance of giving back. Chairperson would manage current outreach programs as well as help create new opportunities to help those in need.

Dad's Club

Chair: Justin Adams​

Capri Dad's Club: Join the Dad's Club to support community events at school and meet other dads. May it be projects to improve our campus or supporting Capri's programs and events, this is a great way to get more involved.


Chair: Diana Schaeffer

ELAC: This is our English Language Advisory Committee that works to improve programs and services for English learners. The chairperson would attend the ELAC meetings (about 4 a year), assist with Capri de Mayo, and act as the liaison between our English and non-English speaking communities. 

Empowered Kids

Chair: Kendyl Kenny, Gina Bowen

Empowered Kids: A Monday weekly lunch-time club led by students and parent volunteers that encourages a growth mindset and resilience through art, role-play, education and community. Curriculum and journaling included.

Fall Festival Leaf Icon Capri PTA Programs

Fall Festival: A fun event to kick-off the school year done in the Fall, usually October. This Chair will coordinate the entire event from start to finish with the help of volunteers. The Chair will want to establish contracts with vendors prior to the event. This person will help with ticket sales, set-up, tear down, running the games, selling food, baked goods, etc.

Field Day Flags Icon Capri PTA Programs

Field Day

Chair: Shannon Tondelli

Field Day: Fun-filled, springtime event giving students the chance to celebrate the school year coming to an end. Students spend a day of outdoor activities, playing old fashioned and new-age agility games such as; Tug a War, Egg and Spoon, 50-yard dash, Spin the Bat. 3-legged races and much more. Chairperson would be in charge of organizing, planning and running the event with the help of volunteers.

Garden Club

Chair: Rebecca Macdonald

Garden Club: Parent volunteer to help the Capri School Gardens and possibly create an opportunity for each classroom to experience what it has to offer (i.e.: garden nutrition or gardening)

Graphic Design

Chair: Tara Adams

Graphic Design: Looking for a creative person to help the PTA with graphics and flyer design for our various programs and communications to the school. Graphics background or being proficient at Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PDF or other such software is ideal.

Green Team/Earth Week

Chair: Rebecca Macdonald

Green Team: This committee works to inspire our kids to care for the environment, promoting sustainable practices on campus, posting environmental messaging around campus, celebrating Earth Day, encouraging waste-free lunches, or any green passions of the committee. The committee meets throughout the year, generally once a month to plan green initiatives. 



Hospitality: This is a chance to get on campus to help with various hospitality needs the PTA has throughout the year. Looking for parents to volunteer time to show up prior to the ‘event’ to set up the table with food and drinks that will already be on site.  It's a quick set up and not too time-consuming.

Holiday Drive (EEF)

Chair: Denise Preston

Holiday Drive (EEF): The Holiday Drive is an annual event where Capri families support other Capri families in need during the holiday season. New jackets, toys and gift cards are collected and distributed to our very own.  Organize volunteers to create a "Store" of donated items for our Capri Families to shop.

Jog-A-Thon: Put your running shoes on and support the school Jog-A-Thon! This works best with 2 Chairs to make this event happen. Chairpersons with the help of volunteers plans, implements and executes Capri PTA's largest fundraiser! Over 600 students participate by collecting donations, running and spreading school spirit all to keep our amazing programs, field trips and PTA sponsored events "running!"

Kindness & Ability Week

Chair: OPEN


Kindness & Ability Week: An annual event, usually in February, where students participate in various age-appropriate stations that will provide them an avenue to explore the individuals who in their world, live their day to day lives with physical or developmental challenges. The goal is to help participants feel more comfortable around people with disabilities, as well as teach everyone about tolerance, acceptance and inclusion. Chairperson would coordinate with our Capri TRAC teacher to put together interactive and informational activities during the week for students.

Library Bookshelf Icon Capri PTA Programs

LEAP Program


LEAP is a school-wide program that takes place during each class' regularly scheduled library time.  It is an enrichment activity focusing on different monthly educational themes.  Various displays are posted to highlight each theme.

Math 24 Calculator Symbols Icon Capri PTA Programs

Math 24: It's a Friday lunch-time club where 3rd-6th grade students gather to play a math game together called Math 24. It is an arithmetical puzzle in which the objective is to find a way to manipulate four integers so that the end result is 24. Parent volunteer coordinates school-wide competition to select participants for the district-wide competition.

New Family Ambassadors

Chair: Courtney LeDuc

New Family Ambassadors: The New Family Ambassadors are a welcome committee of current Capri parents who reach out to new Stingray families before and during their first year at Capri. The ambassadors plan summer meetups, help families make connections with other Capri families, provide information about school and community programs of interest, answer questions that come up during the year, and help ease the transition to a new school.

Red Ribbon Wee Icon Capri PTA Programsk

Red Ribbon Week

Chairs: Lauren Riordan & Stephanie Clifford

Red Ribbon Week: An early-intervention program to create awareness of healthy living choices. Red ribbons are used to remember drug enforcement agent, Kiki Camarena, who was killed on duty while trying to prevent illegal drug trafficking.  The chairperson for this event, plans and implements a campus wide event where students attend age-appropriate assemblies and learn about healthy choices.

Science Fair

Chair: Grant Norwood

Science Fair: This event happens in the spring. It provides students the opportunity to select a science project to work on and present at the fair. The chairperson works with volunteers to help with the setup, cleanup, and assists students when needed.

Spanish Translator

Chair: Diana Schaefer

Spanish Translation Team: Looking for parents who are proficient in Spanish and English to volunteer their time and bilingual talent in working alongside the PTA to translate all our communication with a 24 hr turnaround time.
It's a commitment through the year with maybe needs of 1-2 hour a month.

Spring Auction Flowers Icon Capri PTA Programs

Spring Auction & Gala (EEF)

Chair: Anna Rose Lopez & Stephanie Clifford

Spring Auction & Gala (EEF): A Spring Fundraiser run by the EEF to help raise the other half of the necessary funds to support our "Wheel" program for the year.
The Spring Auction Chair will organize volunteers to plan, organize and coordinate both a Gala and Online Auction to raise these funds. The Spring Gala is enjoyed by parents, teachers, and staff and is typically done in March.

Staff Appreciation Week

Chair: Annie Lieberman, Naomi Hamels

Staff Appreciation Week: This week is dedicated to honor our  WONDERFUL teachers and staff during National Teacher Appreciation Week.  All week long, the school community will show our heartfelt thanks for their dedication to our children.  The Chairperson for this event will develop a week long theme of appreciation for teacher's/staff as well as host a catered lunch.

Variety Show & Talent Gallery

Chair: Jessica Petree, Caitlin Savage

Variety Show & Talent Gallery: The Variety Show is a fun opportunity to showcase the many talents of our very own students!  Acts include singing, dancing, musical instruments, comedy, special talents and tricks, and more! Chairperson will direct the organization and execution of the event including conducting tryouts, working with students on their acts, holding a dress rehearsal, and managing the sound system and stage. This event is one of Capri’s favorites among families and admission is FREE!

Yearbook Class Photo Icon Capri PTA Programs


Chair: Amy Zuanich

Yearbook: A wonderful compilation of the school year is put together and available for purchase (June).
Volunteers are asked to take pictures throughout the year documenting school events, programs, students and staff.

Have the next great idea?

Please let us know!

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